Tuesday, 6 December 2016

How Frightened Are You Right Now?

" ... the only thing we have to fear, is the fear itself."

Now, lets take a moment and ask ourselves, who is promoting fear? Which political wing, Which Corporate House says that you are being looked over, and asks you to get into line ... and WHY do they do? What is in it for them?

After millions of years of evolution, our brains are wired to seek out danger and respond accordingly. Fight or Flight or if it is not trying to eat you, Negotiate. It makes sense then that presenting a threat to our survival is a time tested way to get the brain's attention.
And lets be clear about one thing: attention is the most valuable commodity in the world. Once you have someone's attention you can sell them something, or, if you are the kind of person who is frightened of self determined people, control them - while you are reassuring them that your only concern is their right to be self - determined.

So the real question to ask yourself is not who or what you should be afraid of, its how are you doing right now. Go ahead, ask yourself. Are you in jeopardy right now? Of course not.

This means that whatever you are afraid of, or being encouraged to be afraid of, is in your mind. It is not in your living room, or just outside your door. You are thinking it, which is good news. That is the one thing that you have control over.

If attention is the key, if that is what is sought after, it might be a good thing to value it. Pay attention to yourself. Instead of losing yourself to the voices that instill indirect fears in you, you might check their motive for doing so.

Ask questions, find out the hidden angles, discuss it with your people, share your views, let the ideas flow!
In the end, you ll become wiser and what more, you may not 'lose' anything but your fear!      

Monday, 5 December 2016

no limit to the deciet!

This is how it is being played with the minds of people
This is one of those msgs that are doing rounds in the social networking
This is the time to stay rooted and express the dissent if any!
Please make it a point to thrash these rumours when you encounter them...
PS: I have added smileys to the original text for your benefit.
"Don't forward any posts or videos etc., u receive regarding politics/present situation about Government/PM etc.😷
All India Police have put out a notification termed ..Cyber Crime ... and action will be taken...just delete...inform your friends & others too.😤😤
Writing or forwarding any msg on any political & religious debate is an offence now....arrest without warrant...🙃🙃
This is very serious, plz let it be known to all our groups and individual members and admin can b in deep trouble. Even let it be in foreign country or anywhere in world.😭😦😧
Please take note of this seriously."
please don't take them seriously....and ridicule if possible,,,,