Unless you engage your 'self' into observing the vast arena of behaviours, analyze the variety of view points and dig deep in the diverse thought processes of your peers and also of course nourish yours with the fertile minds of great legends... ... ... the depth of your writing would not be sufficient for any construction to erect.
I have been thinking about somethings that KoKu. wrote regarding the process of 'writing'. It is his belief that literature is like a flower on the tree of life, not a branch of another book. He says that writing should stem from life, not from books.

you to share with your fellow beings.

I remembered Chalam, as he was speaking in a radio interview, that the evil which he criticized so passionately was not of the society but of himself. The shallowness, dual values and false prestige that he abhorred was in fact not outside, but inside of him. While he was rubbing and cleaning himself of those malice, some of the splashes took the form of his writings. And it so happened that society saw itself in his books.
The 'essence' :

As I ponder upon...these thoughts a new meaning dawned, which can synthesize the outside and inside. Some may have more scope to interact with people and some may have less due to the life style choices. The ability to read from others' words and deeds also can widely vary. It is practically impossible to study entire world with all of its diversity. One can only see as much as his vision permits him. But, that need not limit one who wishes to write as long as he sees the 'REFLECTION' of the world in him, touching the minute details of the delicate contours, sharp angles, soft curves of the reflection that is taking shape in 'his heart' .Using his Intellect, one can further this process of internalization, by finding the 'universal' element in his 'personal' experience.